Wednesday, July 26, 2023

History, art and literature from my twitter

Irish Family Eating a Meal of Potatoes and Milk, 1917. The "Irish" potato is not originally from Ireland but from South America (specifically Peru and Bolivia), where the Indigenous people have been growing it for thousands of years. After the Spanish conquistadors invaded the region during the 16th century, they brought the potato back to Europe where it eventually became a popular food crop by the 19th century. During the 1840s, a potato blight began to infect all the potatoes throughout Europe. The Irish were hit particularly hard because they almost solely subsisted on potatoes. They were mostly tenant farmers who were allocated a small plot of land in return for working on the lands of their landlords. Potatoes were easy to grow in a small area and were cheap, filling, and less prone to spoilage, so it became the perfect food source for the poor. At the height of the Irish famine in 1847, the British landowners continued the exportation of food from Ireland to England and Scotland, which only exacerbated the situation. England refused to enact any sort of export ban. Approximately 1 million Irish people died due to starvation. In the same year, the Choctaw people managed to scrape together $170 (worth $4,800 today) to send to Ireland for famine relief. Just 16 years prior, the Choctaw had been removed from their lands and made to walk the "Trail of Tears" in which as many as 4,000 men, women, and children died due to starvation, disease, and exposure. The Ottoman Empire also sent ships stocked with food but were turned away by the British. They had to covertly transport their supplies into a small town, 70 miles north of Dublin, in order to feed the starving Irish. Sultan Abdulmeiid I also offered to donate 10,000 British pounds (worth $1.3 million today), but Queen Victoria refused to accept as she had already donated 2,000 British pounds and did not want to lose face. The sultan begrudgingly lowered his offer to 1,000 British pounds.

 The wind cuts through my threadbare coat, my fragile body huddled in the grimy alleyway, eyes locked on the posh restaurant across the street. Crystal chandeliers twinkle, laughter rings out, the scent of rich food wafts towards me, an unwelcome reminder of my gnawing hunger.

I clutch the tattered rugs tightly, remnants of a life that was, each thread a memory of little Sammy and Teddy. They're gone now, taken by the cold grip of hunger, their faces forever etched in my heart. Their spirits remain, little whispers on the wind, forever with me. "Look, Ellie," Sammy's voice, tender as a summer breeze, floats in my ear, "They're eating ice cream, and it's so cold!" "Yes, Sammy," I respond quietly, a bitter smile crossing my chapped lips. "They're different from us, you see. For them, eating ice cream in winter is an adventure, a luxury." Teddy, the quiet observer, speaks next, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do they know, Ellie? About us, I mean." A lump forms in my throat, the unfairness of it all threatening to drown me. "No, Teddy," I reply, my voice a hoarse whisper. "They don't see us." I feel a cold hand on mine, a phantom touch of comfort. Sammy again. "But you see us, Ellie. You always did." I nod, hot tears streaming down my face. "I saw you. I see you. And I'm so sorry...I tried to save you, to protect you..." "You did, Ellie," Teddy interrupts, his voice filled with a wisdom no five-year-old should possess. "It's not your fault." "But I should've..." I protest. "Ellie," Sammy's voice is soft, "Remember the stories you used to tell us? About the moon and stars and how they look after lost children?" I nod, the memory stinging. "Yes, I remember." "Well," Sammy's voice is growing fainter, "we're with them now. And they'll look after us, just like you did. We're not hungry anymore." "And we'll look after you too, Ellie," Teddy adds. "You're not alone." I close my eyes, their words a soothing balm. I am not alone. But I am invisible, just like they were. To the world beyond the alleyway, we don't exist. And yet, we do. We're survivors, battling each day, each moment, trying to find a semblance of hope in this unforgiving city. As the night deepens, I hold onto their memory, their voices a stark reminder of the world's indifference. Yet, within me, a spark flickers, a determination. My life, however difficult, however unnoticed, is not pointless. For Sammy and Teddy, for all the unseen children of this city, of this world, I will continue. I am their voice, their memory. And one day, I vow, we will be invisible no more.

Friday, July 14, 2023

documentary ‘Fishers of Men’

"Over the past two decades, tens of thousands of men, women and children – the majority of whom are refugees escaping violence, persecution and hardship – have lost their lives at sea while searching for a better life."

 The creation of MOAS was one family’s reaction to the European migration crisis that they saw unfolding in the waters of the Mediterranean. Fishers of Men is a documentary film that follows the Catrambone's as they embark on the MOAS journey and gives an inside view into the work of the NGO throughout their time at sea. The documentary uses footage from media outlets and embedded video journalists to map the history of the charity and give a raw, unfiltered view of what maritime search and rescue operations really look like. Filmed over several years, the footage shows MOAS responding to the developing crisis in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. The film outlines the various aspects of the rescues as told by the search and rescue crews, tells the stories of those they rescue, and gives an insight into the challenges faced by the Catrambone's as they fight to keep the charity alive.

رجال دين أقوياء و صادقون

إيفان نويتش: في كل عام أشيد بضحايا الإبادة الجماعية، إنهم صامتون، لكن يجب أن نكون

بكل احترام وفي أنفسنا نجدد المسؤولية بأننا سنكون دائما إلى جانب الحقيقة ، إلى جانب العدالة ، إلى جانب الضعفاء ، وليس إلى جانب الأقوياء وإلى جانب المتنمرين ، وهذا ليس بأي حال من الأحوال

يحضر الفرنسيسكان البوسني إيفان نوجيتش من دير القديس بونافنتور في فيس كل عام الجنازة الحزينة لرفات سكان سريبرينيتشا المقتولين.

بالصلاة والصمت، يشيد الأب نوجيش، مدير الصالة الرياضية الفرنسيسكانية الكلاسيكية في فيسوكو، بالضحايا الأبرياء، وهكذا كان الحال اليوم في فيسوكو.
أيضا ، يذهب إلى بوتوكاري حيث ، كرجل وممثل للفرنسيسكان ، يفعل الشيء نفسه - الإشادة.

في المحادثة ، يقول إن الوداع هو دائما لحظة مؤثرة لأنه يجب على المرء أن يواجه ماضيا مؤلما ومؤلما على الأقل.

من الضروري كأشخاص في مثل هذه اللحظات ، في مثل هذه المواقف ، أن نكون إلى جانب بعضنا البعض. من الضروري دائما أن يكون لدينا قلب لإخوتنا وأخواتنا الذين، للأسف، غادروا هذا العالم ظلما، والمحرومين من حق الإنسان الأساسي، الحق في الحياة. لم يتركوا بدون حياة فحسب ، بل تركوا أيضا دون فرصة للتعبير عن الظلم الذي لحق بهم. إنهم صامتون، ولهذا السبب نحن هنا، نحن أحياء، يجب أن نكون صوتهم، يجب أن نتحدث بوضوح وبشكل لا لبس فيه – هذا ليس صحيحا، وليس صحيحا بأي حال من الأحوال، أن يحرم الناس من الحق في الحياة. لا يحق لأحد أن يأخذ حياة رجل آخر نيابة عن أي شخص أو أي شيء. ولهذا السبب، فإن تضامننا وقربنا وتعاطفنا وصلاتنا في مثل هذه الحالات هي إحدى الطرق لتجديد مسؤولية السلام من حولنا. أن نجدد في أنفسنا المسؤولية عن الرفاهية، ليس فقط لرفاهيتنا، ولكن أيضا للمجتمع الذي نعيش فيه، لأننا أناس اجتماعيون واجتماعيون ويجب أن نعتني بخير الآخرين – يقول الأب نوجيك.

ويضيف أنه يود من مجتمعنا، وخاصة بين الشباب، أن ينشر قدر الإمكان الوعي بالمسؤولية تجاه الآخر والوعي بالحاجة إلى التضامن الإنساني، وأن يفهم الشباب أنه من المهم جدا حقا أن تكون لدينا مشاعر تجاه الآخرين وأنه يجب علينا أن نبقى صامتين باحترام في وجه هذا البلاء الرهيب والشر الذي حدث.

- بكل احترام وفي أنفسنا نجدد المسؤولية بأننا سنكون دائما إلى جانب الحقيقة ، إلى جانب العدالة ، إلى جانب الضعفاء ، وليس إلى جانب الأقوياء وإلى جانب المتنمرين ، وهذا ليس بأي حال من الأحوال. هذا هو السبب في أن هذه الذكرى ، لحظة رؤية ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية في سريبرينيتسا ، هي لحظة مهمة ، ليس فقط بالنسبة لنا نحن الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في فيسوكو ، ولكن في حياة جميع الأشخاص الخيرين الذين يريدون السلام لأنفسهم ولأطفالهم وعائلاتهم وبيئتهم والعالم بأسره - قال الأب إيفان نوجيتش.

زار مطران الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية في الجبل الأسود بوتوكاري اليوم.


وهنا أشاد بضحايا الإبادة الجماعية ضد البوشناق في سريبرينيتسا. تحدث حصريا ل بعد دفن 30 من ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية.

"لقد تغير شيء ما هنا ، لكن في جوهره لم يتغير شيء. إن الطائفة الدينية الإسلامية في البوسنة والهرسك لا تطلب من الاتحاد الأوروبي والشعب المختص تعويض الإبادة الجماعية في سريبرينيتسا، التي يتجنبها الصرب ولا يعترفون بالإبادة الجماعية. يكلفهم غاليا. أخبرهم عن هذا التعويض وسترى ما يقولونه. إنهم يهتمون بالمال وليس بالضحايا. يجب على كل رجل نزيه، أيا كان اسمه، أن يدين الإبادة الجماعية".

وأشار إلى أن أكاديمية العلوم الصربية ورابطة كتاب صربيا والكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الصربية شاركوا في الحرب في يوغوسلافيا.

"إنه تقريبا نفس الشيء كما هو الحال اليوم ، لكن لا يمكنك رؤيته بهذه الطريقة. ما اعتقدوه آنذاك ، يفكرون فيه حتى الآن: البوسنة والهرسك هي إقليم Sprska ، RS هي الأراضي الصربية ، الجبل الأسود هي الأراضي الصربية ... هذه هي خطة صربيا الكبرى. لا يوجد شيء لذلك»، قال متروبوليتان ميهايلو.

 أ. ديديتش  (

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

30 victims of the Srebrenica Genocide were buried in #Srebrenica-Potocari

{يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ (27) ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً (28) فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي (29) وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي (30) } [الفجر]
" 30 victims of the #Srebrenica Genocide were buried in Srebrenica-Potocari cemetery." 11-7-2023  "دفن 30 من ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية في سريبرينيتشا في مقبرة   بوتوتشاري". 11-7-2023

Thanks for this award.. #Srebrenica 2023 Novinarska nagrada ''Nino Ćatić'' genocidu u Srebrenici

 Specijalnu nagradu inicijatora i Organizacionog odbora za doprinos očuvanju istine o genocidu u Srebrenici dobila je dr. Eman Tahawy iz Egipta.

Već dugo, na dva jezika, arapskom i engleskom piše na temu zabrane negiranja genocida u Srebrenici. Njena misija je nastaviti konstantno pisati na ovu temu i donositi istinu. Također njen cilj je tu istinu i donijeti svima onima koji imaju priliku pročitati, a posebno onima koji su možda prošli kroz sličnu situaciju. dr. Eman Tahawy iz Egipta na dodjeli novinarske nagrade Nino Ćatić obratila se video porukom, dok je posjetu Memorijalnom centru Srebrenica – Potočari najavila za septembar.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Nurse Claims #Srebrenica Was Like a Prison

 18 JULY 2012 

Nurse Claims Srebrenica Was Like a Prison 

Testifying at the war crimes trial of the former Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic, a former nurse described the town of Srebrenica in 1995 as an open-air prison. 

MARIJA RISTIC Christine Schmitz, a nurse for Doctors Without Borders in Srebrenica in 1995, testified on Tuesday as the third witness for the prosecution at Mladic’s trial. “I had a feeling that there was no freedom of movement, since, for example, if someone wanted to go to the town of Sarajevo, they could not. My colleagues who were working in the nearby village of Zepa, secretly transferred things to us [in Srebrenica],” said Schmitz. 

Christine Schmitz, former nurse of the Doctors Without Borders

Schimtz recalled that in July 1995, a number of civilians fled to the village of Potocari because they feared the Bosnian Serb army which was about to occupy the town of Srebrenica. She said that Robert Franken, a Deputy of the UN Dutch Battalion, informed her that Mladic requested permission from the United Nations to organize an evacuation of Srebrenica. The witness then argued with General Mladic, claiming that the evacuation was the job of Doctors Without Borders, DWB, however, Mladic objected and told her to “go work on something else.” Schmitz previously testified at the trial of Radovan Karadzic, former President of the Republika Srpska. She then said she witnessed the shelling of Srebrenica, the exodus of the people to the UN base in Potocari, the separation of the men from the rest of the population, and the deportation of women and children to the territory controlled by the Bosnian army. 

Schmitz explained that she then saw the Serb soldiers taking captured men to the Srebrenica execution sites. The witness left the enclave on July 21, 1995, together with other DBW staff.

July 18, 201210:12

رواية قناع بلون السماء تفوز بالجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية 2024

  رواية قناع بلون السماء تفوز بالجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية 2024 خندقجي (40 عامًا) من نابلس، واعتُقل في الثاني من نوفمبر 2004، وتعرض عقب...